Innovating in higher education. A proposal from the Lesson and Learning Studies model.
Funded by the University of Cantabria. III Call for Teaching Innovation Projects
- Calvo, A., Braga, G. y Fueyo, A. (2018). The potential of Lesson Study project as a tool for dealing with dilemmas in university teaching, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 7 (2), 124-135.
- Braga, G., Verdeja, M. y Calvo, A. (2018). La Metodología Lesson Study en un Contexto Universitario. Una Experiencia para Mejorar las Prácticas de Aula. Qualitative Research in Education, 7 (1), 87-113. Texto disponible en La Metodología Lesson Study en un Contexto Universitario. Una Experiencia para Mejorar las Prácticas de Aula.
The SDGs as a lever for innovation in
universities. Training education
professionals committed to social