Transfer of Knowledge
Diagnostic service for the design and implementation of an educational itinerary with a gender perspective for the implementation of the Action Plan of the Fémina Interreg EU project
Good Educational Practices with MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) in the field of education. Project funded by the University of Cantabria
Analyzing MOOCs from an educational perspective in Spain. XIII Congreso Internacional de Formación del ProfesoradoAnalizando los MOOCs desde una perspectiva educativa en España. Adelina Calvo y Carlos Rodríguez Hoyos. Revista internacional de tecnología educativa en la educación superior (ETHE) 2016
EASE Teaching Network of Excellence: Lesson Study and Service-Learning in Initial Teacher Education
– Calvo, A., Braga, G. y Fueyo, A. (2018). The potential of Lesson Study project as a tool for dealing with dilemmas in university teaching, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 7 (2), 124-135.
– Braga, G., Verdeja, M. y Calvo, A. (2018). The Lesson Study Methodology in a University Context. An Experience to Improve Classroom Practices. Qualitative Research in Education, 7 (1), 87-113.
Design and development of the MOOC course: Fighting the digital divide. Innovation in literacy for people at risk of social exclusion
Methodology and Evaluation. Two branches of the same tree
Documentation of an educational counseling process for primary and early childhood education teachersConsciousness
Documentation of an educational process mediated by technologies and oriented to the development of a critical global citizenshipThe team has been involved in the organization of three international congresses
XXVII University Workshop of Educational Technology (2019)